Working Method & Prices
Unfortunately I know what it feels like to not be fit and that changes are difficult at such a time. I not only give you personal advice to optimize your lifestyle, but I also walk along with you on your path to recovery. Together we look for the best solutions, so that after 3 months you can also experience what it feels like to have more energy.
We look at the root cause of your symptoms and together we make a plan to live a healthier and more vital life. You have not come to me for a temporary ‘quick fix’ so you need to do the work. Together we will set the goals for a life change (in simple steps) and that takes time and perseverance. Changing your habits normally lasts for at least 30 days, with the same actions repeated every day. If this does not happen, it quickly increases to 2 to 3 months. And this is the case for a single habit so when you want to change your life you understand it will take some time and effort.
Orthomolecular Method and Rates
During the intake interview, we discuss the current symptoms and we also go through your life to see what has happened and which symptoms started when. During this meeting you mention your wishes and goals. Based on the conversation, your wishes and your current lifestyle, we will make a treatment plan that we will work on together for the next 3 months. At the end of this first conversation, I may take blood (via a finger prick for an EMB test) to determine your vitamin, mineral, inflammation and toxicity values. We will discuss the results of this during the second consultation.
After the first week I will call you to ask if everything is clear, if there are any questions and if you have encountered any pitfalls. This interview lasts a maximum of 25 minutes and is covered by the costs of the first payment.
Duration of the intake interview is approximately 90-120 minutes. The price is €249.
Additional costs for an EMB test €175 (from Sept 1 2024)
During the second interview I will receive your feedback about the first 6 weeks. We discuss the results of the blood test, after which we fine-tune the treatment plan when necessary. Again after about a week after our consultation we have another call to hear whether everything is going according to plan.
Duration of the second interview is 60 minutes. The price is €249.
After 3 months we have an evaluation of the treatment plan and we look at what it has brought you and how you can further integrate this into your daily life. We make adjustments where necessary.
Duration of the evaluation interview is 45 minutes. The price is € 199.
You can always contact me in the meantime.
The price is €50 per 15 minutes.
The prices include 21% VAT and exclude laboratory research and nutritional supplements. After each consultation you can pay digitally and the invoice will be emailed to you afterwards.
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Depending on your additional health insurance, my orthomolecular consultations are partly reimbursed in the Netherlands. You can find more information about this on the next page or call your own health insurance. If the costs are eligible for reimbursement, reimbursement will be made directly to your own account after you have submitted the invoice to your insurance yourself.
N.B. The title orthomolecular therapist is not protected. This means that anyone can call themselves that, including those who have not received any form of training in this field.
I completed the training through Natura Foundation and I am a member of the Professional Organization CAT (Reimbursable depending on your insurance).
Rates Hypnotherapy
A hypnotherapy trajectory of 28 days costs € 750 for the intake, the session, a personal audio recording and weekly check-ups & coaching sessions.
A hypnotherapy trajectory is not yet reimbursed by the health insurers. More about the method can be found on the page: What is hypnotherapy?
Cancelation of an appointment
Time is always reserved for your appointment. If you’re unable to attend, the appointment must be canceled at least 48 hours in advance. I am forced to charge in full for appointments canceled or not kept less than 48 hours in advance. Please note that the weekend is not counted as a working day.
Example: if you have an appointment on Tuesday and want to cancel it, you must cancel at least the Friday before.
As a CAT therapist, I’m part of the GAT-Wkkgz complaint law and GAT disciplinary law at the Alternative Therapists Disputes Body (GAT). For more information about the complaints procedure, see: